Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How many times do i have to tell you ...

To me it all seems very simple.

If a person has lied, used, manipulated or angered you numerous times it is just best to walk away and move on. I am not sure how people can allow negative people to keep entering their lives. It must be some sick disorder from childhood for the need of acceptance and the desire to please.

We have moved on from many. One just recently, and it seems after we finally get rid of this one somebody finally realizes how much of a friend this person never was.

It amazes me how people can be so blind and ignorant. When someone is telling you that you are being taken advantage of you would think to take notice while it was happening. No, instead we wait until something very bad happens that does not give us the oppurtunity to even make a decision as to whether or not we want this person to be a part off our lives.

Just because people have been in your life for a while or forever does not mean you are entitled to accept their behaviour or that you should have to.

Now to hear the whining about another person whom ive told him about over and over.
When will he ever learn and how much longer will I have to deal with it.

"Don't get the impression that you arouse my anger. You see, one can only be angry with those he respects. " ~ Richard M. Nixon ~