Thursday, August 7, 2008

If anyone is LOOKING for me

I will be at the river hiding. Uggggggggggggggggg hopefully only 8 more days till the tanning salon is OUT of my hands.
I have been such a stressed out MANIAC.

After I get through tomorrow (Friday) and Wendall works Saturday & Sunday I will have to complete the week working Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday & escrow SHOULD close FRIDAY. When & If it does i will be soooooooooooooooooo HAPPY !!!! Of course just like any escrow deal she can back out ..... which drives me CRAZY just thinking about it. I need to move on with my life ... LIKE now!!


Christa said...

dude - it will totally go through and you'll be just fine...just don't start drinking everyday and blacking out and not getting out of bed afterwards (wink* wink*)