Thursday, June 19, 2008

What Are We Doing ???

Ok So I have been unbelievably STRESSED out.

I am TRYING to sell the tanning salon & I have an interested buyer.
She visits ALL of the time and I feel like I am walking on eggshells.
It seems like everytime she comes in I have one of my nagging pesky customers there who like to complain and make me look bad. Today I have to see her again to give her a signed contract & get into some more issues regarding taxes.
I am so over dealing with this. If she changes her mind I am going to be so irritated. Although if all goes well she will be the new owner August 1st so please keep your fingers crossed !!

for sale sign

Most Importantly Grandma O'Dell is in the hospital. We were informed 2 days ago that she was in the hospital and given a heart medication that once taken off of she was going to pass away. Fortunately she has not & when we saw her last night she seemed to be stronger. It is VERY strange to see how people act when somoene is dying. She is still "sharp as a tack" and remembers everything.

Get Well

I tried to call Heather last night on our way to the hospital as we passed by her house and it looked like they were having a party. I was going to inform her that the rest of the family now knows where she lives because they were ALL in the car with us. Why didnt you answer your phone Heather ??? !!!!!

I'm Stalking You XD

Other than that not much else happening. I did geta hair cut and I now have bangs. When I find my camera I will take a picture. I will also try to take one with my phone .... that way I can practice all day long at work taking pictures of myself.


Anywho I will now check out your posts to see what else is going on with you !!!

Hope all is well.


Christa said...

LOL!? Bangs are so in right now! Post a picture!!!

I'm very sad to hear about Jo, and I/we can imagine how people's behavior is changing. The sadest part about a family member passing is the behavioral issues.

I wish her well and much love.

Christa said...

p.s. I'm pulling for the sale of the store! Fingers crossed!

Girl said...

Thats funny when I saw the number I thought of you... should have just knocked.. Although it seems kinda fishy... our house isn't on the way to TMH via West Torrance?? Maybe you are stalking us... If you want Josh he's yours... but you must take the dog and the cat with... I'm sure he could live in the trailer... :) Hey on another note has Kevin given you the why haven't you changed your name yet? How did people like the house?

Mama Monkey said...

Hope things are going better....

Girl said...

Did you leave it at Aunt Cathy's? Just a thought... Miss you guys.