Sunday, August 3, 2008

This Weekend was a Lazy one

First of all I bought a smoker. So my mission for this weekend was to smoke a turkey. Kevin set up our easy up and kiddie pool in the backyard on Friday so we were ready to go on Saturday. Unfortunately we stayed up a little later than planned on Friday & the last thing I felt like doing was getting the smoker ready on Saturday but I managed.

I put the turkey on at about 9 am. We hung out with Kevin's friend Chris all day drinking beverages from a can & having snacks of guacamole and chips. The turkey was finished at about 6:30. We had the turkey with a Caesar salad bean soup that I had made in the Crok Pot that day. I ended up taking a nap & Kevin did too. Somewhere in between Chris sneaked out of the house.

The turkey was so good! It was alot more work than a turkey in the oven but it was so much better.

My mom called me today to let me know that my sister is in the hospital with her baby. I think he has some type of respiratory issues. Lori if your reading call me when your not busy !!
Other than that not much else going on. No pics to post.


Christa said...

It sounds like a good lazy! I like your background (where did you find it?) how did the turkey turn out? should I go buy a smoker?

Girl said...

Ok Karen it sounds like we have to have a smoke off??? If so I say our back yard cause we can all get our own space etc. Let me know when... I'll tell Josh to get going on it.. Love you guys!!!